Exams and class awards are scheduled by the RAD to take place Monday – Fridays between 8am and 4:00pm
Most students will require 2 hours to cover adequate preparation time and the session itself. We can provide a letter if you require permission for your child to be absent from school from this time.
1 hour prior to the exam, your child will need to be at our studio. This time is used to style the students hair, conduct a warm up and take a little time out to calm nerves and excitement.
Each group lines up outside the main studio door 5 mins before their exam is due to start.
The examiner will have a bell that she or he will ring to call the students in to start their performance.
The students will be in the studio for 30min to 1 hour depending on the level of their exam and how many are in their group.
(We’ll be able to tell you how long your child will be once the RAD provides us with our schedule.)
Then the best part of all: the students exit the exam room with smiling, proud faces full of excitement of their achievement.
It’s best to then forget the exam and move onto concert work as results get sent to be ratified in London before they come to us. A month or two after our exam season results will be in.